在armbian 上安装klipper
git clone https://github.91chi.fun//https://github.com/Klipper3d/klipper.git
git clone时采用了加速链接,如果访问github没受限的话,当然也可以使用原始链接。
运行安装脚本,会自动安装octopi 和 octoprint 以及相关的必要包,由于此前的octoprint是安装在虚拟环境中的,应该不会冲突,先看下情况。
运行完毕后,其默认创建了python2.7 的虚拟环境,/home/cryogeny/klippy-env
cd ~/klipper/
make menuconfig
如果提示权限问题,前面加sudo 或者将此文件夹权限转移给登陆的用户
To compile the micro-controller code, start by running these commands on the Raspberry Pi: 在树莓派上编译单片机码用以下命令
cd ~/klipper/
make menuconfig
Select the appropriate micro-controller and review any other options provided. 并且选择适当的单片机和其他选项。[由于暂时不太了解atmega avr 和atmega2560 的具体区别并且系统cpu是ARM v8架构,因此如前面两图选了 atmega avr 和 linux process 这两个选项,有大佬清楚清楚的还请科普下;主要看打印机主板采用的芯片,我采用的是bigtree的主板,选xxx]
Once configured, run: 配置好后,运行make程序
It is necessary to determine the serial port connected to the micro-controller. For micro-controllers that connect via USB, run the following:
ls /dev/serial/by-id/*
It should report something similar to the following:
It's common for each printer to have its own unique serial port name. This unique name will be used when flashing the micro-controller. It's possible there may be multiple lines in the above output - if so, choose the line corresponding to the micro-controller (see the FAQ for more information).
For common micro-controllers, the code can be flashed with something similar to:
sudo service klipper stop
make flash FLASH_DEVICE=/dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86_USB2.0-Serial-if00-port0
sudo service klipper start
Be sure to update the FLASH_DEVICE with the printer's unique serial port name.
* 请通过此前确定下来的串口名来刷入代码
When flashing for the first time, make sure that OctoPrint is not connected directly to the printer (from the OctoPrint web page, under the "Connection" section, click "Disconnect").
* 先在octoPrint的web界面,在connection部分,点击 disconnect,如下图。

Configuring OctoPrint to use Klipper 用Klipper来配置octoPrint
The OctoPrint web server needs to be configured to communicate with the Klipper host software. Using a web browser, login to the OctoPrint web page and then configure the following items:
octoPrint 网页服务器配置好以便与与Klipper主机通讯,登陆octoPrint网页并配置以下内容。
设置 Settings
Under "Serial Connection" in "Additional serial ports" add "/tmp/printer". Then click "Save". 点击保存。
Enter the Settings tab again and under "Serial Connection" change the "Serial Port" setting to "/tmp/printer".
重新进入到刚刚页面,在Serial Connection 这个页面的Serial Port段选择刚刚写的/tmp/printer。 注意这里有一个问题,上位机要能连通打印机才能通讯,否则没有显示。务必留意。
In the Settings tab, navigate to the "Behavior" sub-tab and select the "Cancel any ongoing prints but stay connected to the printer" option. Click "Save". 取消数字3所标识选项,然后点保存。
From the main page, under the "Connection" section (at the top left of the page) make sure the "Serial Port" is set to "/tmp/printer" and click "Connect". (If "/tmp/printer" is not an available selection then try reloading the page.)
在首页connection段再次确认Serial Port中的串口名,点击连接。
Once connected, navigate to the "Terminal" tab and type "status" (without the quotes) into the command entry box and click "Send". The terminal window will likely report there is an error opening the config file - that means OctoPrint is successfully communicating with Klipper. Proceed to the next section.
当连接上后,查看Terminal页,输入 status
。这个命令行窗口可能会报不能打开配置文件的错误,这个说明OctoPrint已经成功的和Klipper通讯上了, 进入下一步。特别说明下,能够提示配置文件的错误,说明其已经去读klipper的配置文件了,因此说是通讯成功。
Configuring Klipper 配置Klipper
The Klipper configuration is stored in a text file on the Raspberry Pi. Take a look at the example config files in the config directory. The Config Reference contains documentation on config parameters.
Arguably the easiest way to update the Klipper configuration file is to use a desktop editor that supports editing files over the "scp" and/or "sftp" protocols. There are freely available tools that support this (eg, Notepad++, WinSCP, and Cyberduck). Use one of the example config files as a starting point and save it as a file named "printer.cfg" in the home directory of the pi user (ie, /home/pi/printer.cfg).
按理说最简单更新klipper配置文件的办法是采用scp 或者 sftp协议直接使用桌面高级文本编辑器对配置文件进行更改。用一个范例配置文件另存为文件名为 printer.cfg
放到 用户的home
Alternatively, one can also copy and edit the file directly on the Raspberry Pi via ssh
cp ~/klipper/config/example-cartesian.cfg ~/printer.cfg
nano ~/printer.cfg
Make sure to review and update each setting that is appropriate for the hardware.
It's common for each printer to have its own unique name for the micro-controller. The name may change after flashing Klipper, so rerun the ls /dev/serial/by-id/* command and then update the config file with the unique name. For example, update the [mcu] section to look something similar to:
每个打印机的单片机有唯一的名字这很正常,这个名字可能在刷入klipper后会发生改变,可以通过命令 ls /dev/serial/by-id/*
serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86_USB2.0-Serial-if00-port0
After creating and editing the file it will be necessary to issue a "restart" command in the OctoPrint web terminal to load the config. A "status" command will report the printer is ready if the Klipper config file is successfully read and the micro-controller is successfully found and configured. It is not unusual to have configuration errors during the initial setup - update the printer config file and issue "restart" until "status" reports the printer is ready.
Klipper reports error messages via the OctoPrint terminal tab. The "status" command can be used to re-report error messages. The default Klipper startup script also places a log in /tmp/klippy.log which provides more detailed information.
这个命令再度打开错误消息。klipper默认的启动脚本把日志文件放在了 /tmp/klippy.log这里,这个文件会提供更详细的信息。
In addition to common g-code commands, Klipper supports a few extended commands - "status" and "restart" are examples of these commands. Use the "help" command to get a list of other extended commands.
After Klipper reports that the printer is ready go on to the config check document to perform some basic checks on the pin definitions in the config file.